Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Well Renee signed herself out of hospital, shes asked if she can stay with me for a few days. How can I say no? She wheeled her dripstand in and made herself at home in front of the telly. I dont think the staff at the hospital know shes gone yet, shes still got her hospital gown on (not pretty from behind!)
We watched Richard and Judy for a while then she became very agitated... I topped her fluid bag up with QC and she soon settled.
Dan came back from work, all seemed to have gone well, but the commode wasnt pretty, Ill get a bit of zoflora in that and itll smell just fine. Dan brought a friend of his from work home for tea, his name is Mr Turkey, Id best go the Spar and get some more food, he looks like hes hungry.
Renee woke up quickly at the sound of male voices, but fortunately she couldnt get off the sofa, her stitches had stuck in the cordrouy upholstery.
Mr Turkey seemed nice, (but his jokes were appalling) and he kept doing an awful impression of some Irish popstar, Rowena Cretin or something.
Renee is sleeping well, shes had her second pint of sherry going through her drip. Im off to bed, the boys are talking about music type things... and I have a date with my vibrator while they are all to drunk to notice Im gone or hear the noise! Ill just take a quick photo of mr Turkey before he notices.
Goodnight, (hope my duracell havnt leaked) more later.....

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