Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The first to arrive were 2 of Dans friends, Mr Turkey and Mr Newt. Theyd come armed with Spar bags full of cider and cheesy wotsits. Classy lads these two! Seeing as they come 4 hours before the party started, I asked them to help with the decorations.

Im not sure the silver fir tree, angel or fairy lights were quite apt in September but hey.. anything to brighten the place up.

While the boys were working, me n Renee opened a bottle of QC and set up Monas pasting table for the food. Well what a spread, we put a big jar of pickled beetroot as a centrepeice. The dairylea dunkers were spread out around it in pretty patterns, quite a spectacle. The kitchen rolls with pretty flowers on were a stroke of genius, really brought out the colour of the beetroot, Anthea Turner eat your heart out! I might take some pictures and send them to her, show her how it SHOULD be done!

Mr Turkey was drinking something purple out of a paper bag.. I do hope its only Vimto! But he does look a bit peculiar, and the balloons hes just blown up wont come down off the ceiling! Mr Newt looks a little worse for wear too, but from what Dan says, hes always been like that, I think its something he chews. Hes got a good set of snappers though, and they are all his own.

Only thing left to do is to move the furniture back ready for some dancing, I did suggest to them to both move in the same direction, but Mr Turkey didnt seem to understand, nothing that a bit of corrective surgery wont cure. Im sure when he sobers up tommorrow itll hurt like hell.

We decided to put some of Dans records on to lighten the mood and get us in the mood for the party, Cliffs "wired for sound" is always a great ice breaker.. Oh how we danced, Mr Newt sang along using a pickled gherkin as a microphone, he was very good, a very manly voice, he should go proffessional, Ive told him. Ill write a letter to Simon Cowell in the morning.

Id best go and have a swill and put my best velour leisure suit on ready for our guests arriving!

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