Sunday, September 24, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
The first to arrive were 2 of Dans friends, Mr Turkey and Mr Newt. Theyd come armed with Spar bags full of cider and cheesy wotsits. Classy lads these two! Seeing as they come 4 hours before the party started, I asked them to help with the decorations.
Im not sure the silver fir tree, angel or fairy lights were quite apt in September but hey.. anything to brighten the place up.
While the boys were working, me n Renee opened a bottle of QC and set up Monas pasting table for the food. Well what a spread, we put a big jar of pickled beetroot as a centrepeice. The dairylea dunkers were spread out around it in pretty patterns, quite a spectacle. The kitchen rolls with pretty flowers on were a stroke of genius, really brought out the colour of the beetroot, Anthea Turner eat your heart out! I might take some pictures and send them to her, show her how it SHOULD be done!
Mr Turkey was drinking something purple out of a paper bag.. I do hope its only Vimto! But he does look a bit peculiar, and the balloons hes just blown up wont come down off the ceiling! Mr Newt looks a little worse for wear too, but from what Dan says, hes always been like that, I think its something he chews. Hes got a good set of snappers though, and they are all his own.
Only thing left to do is to move the furniture back ready for some dancing, I did suggest to them to both move in the same direction, but Mr Turkey didnt seem to understand, nothing that a bit of corrective surgery wont cure. Im sure when he sobers up tommorrow itll hurt like hell.
We decided to put some of Dans records on to lighten the mood and get us in the mood for the party, Cliffs "wired for sound" is always a great ice breaker.. Oh how we danced, Mr Newt sang along using a pickled gherkin as a microphone, he was very good, a very manly voice, he should go proffessional, Ive told him. Ill write a letter to Simon Cowell in the morning.
Id best go and have a swill and put my best velour leisure suit on ready for our guests arriving!
I was greeted at "entrance" to my house by the man with the camera. He told me he was a reporter who was doing a story on "nuisance families" in the area, so I invited him in for sherry and branflakes so I could tell him a thing or two about some of the scum in my street!
He was a bit of an oddball, very twitchy, kept jumping up with his camera every time he heard the screech of car brakes in the street. I told him it happens each morning round here, its the kids joyriding to school, (the bus company refuse to come down here after a few "incidences" with the kids) so you cant blame the poor lambs, its a long walk to school.
Well he calmed down after a while, but I had to ask him to turn his collection of radios and walkie-talkie thingies off, they were interfering with Terry Wogan, and I dont want to listen to what the local constabulary are up to, I much rather listen to Cliff Richard.
He told me that hed had lots of complaints about my family, and that local people were concerned for their own safety due to the return of Bo.... I couldnt believe what I was hearing! My family keep themselves to themselves.. we pay our fines on time, always wear our best sunday clothes for Court appearances, never park stolen cars on double yellows. Ive brought my family up with good manners, they always say "sorry" if they hurt someone, "thank you" after a shoplifting spree, and "please" when asking for money from the Post Ofiice.. we have our standards you know!
Well as you can imagine... I chased the bugger out my house quick-sharp, the cheek of him!
Oh well, the day can only get better.. Ill go and see Renee later, she always cheers me up!
Monday, September 18, 2006
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Friday, September 15, 2006
My neighbour Flo has told me she finds love in chat rooms. While the house is empty I might try, I need all the help I can get, she tells me that you have to be naked and on web-cam to get a good one..
It took me a while to bring my paraffin heater in the room, and Im afraid the hot water bottle Im sitting on might just pop.. Ive adjusted the web-cam so my incontinence knickers cant be seen.. mind you, my tits are down below waist level too.
Ok, Im ready, log into a chat room.... oh no, they need a nickname.. should I chose "ugly-old-hag?" I quickly type in the words "willowy-blonde" my screen is filled with men with "12"cocks" wanting to have sex with me! BINGO! They are all firemen and soldiers too!, Im so excited, which one do I chose? I chatted with a few, but I choose a man called "fireblade" he promised to run up the stairs with me over his shoulder and make me feel like Ive never felt before...
We swapped photos, I was a bit embarrassed, so I sent him one Scarlet, Im just waiting for his to come back to me.... I bet hes so handsome, he told me hes 25, 6ft 5, and athletic......
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Monday, September 11, 2006
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Im sure it hates me too.. its laughing at me here with my own teeth.. (well not my own teeth,I lost them in 1939 after an accident having sex on a tight-rope with a gypsy from the travelling circus) Ill have revenge on the little bugger, Ill chuck it a lamb chop with a few of my sennakot in it, he'll think twice before he robs my choppers again! Mind you, they look quite clean, probably been knawing on bones, keeps em clean I read, done me a favour I suppose, saves on steredent.
Well bingo was a bit of a wash out last night, no prizes, but Flo's new look went down well, she was asked several times for her autograph (I think she was mistaken for Boy George, or maybe Janet Street-Porter)
My new handbag was a great success, we managed to smuggle in 4 litres of draught sherry, and 5 litres of vomit out without the bouncers seeing. Its a good job Rene wasnt with us, the lining of my bag wouldnt have coped! She couldnt join us due to a g-string she bought, I believe the paramedics took 2 hours to find it. She was quite blue according to her neighbours. I think she is still in the operating theatre. Ill take her some grapes and her vibrator in tommorow. Ill also let her borrow some of my bloomers, much more comfy!
Ill have to go now, need to drop my bloomers in some dolly-blue before I go to bed.
More tomorrow...........
Friday, September 08, 2006
Well thats enough about my family for now, Ill try to keep you all updated with their shenanagins.
Im going to bingo with Flo tonight, so if I start now I might be able to make myself as glamourous as her before 7 o' clock. I might ask Scarlet to give me a makeover. If only I could find my damn teeth, its not gonna be easy to munch pork scratchings like this, and they do the proper ones at Mecca,not those synthetic ones, but proper good chewy pigs skin ones, take bloody ages to soften by sucking. Maybe i can soak em in my sweet sherry for an hour or so, that may help, a sort of marinade.
Hope I win tonight, last week I won a purple teddy bear and a box of manx kippers, brought every damn cat from down our street howling at me door they did!
Right, I best go and soak my feet in a bucket to soften my corns, Ill have to use the bread knife to slice them off, my razor blade is blunt.
More later, Ill let you know how we get on, I just hope Rene doesnt turn up drunk again, she nearly got us all barred last week. Shouted out rude comments about the bingo callers balls all night she did. Then when she got on stage, she showed us up by doing her party trick with her extra width blue bingo pen, she has no shame! (You can find her photo on my previous posts) mutton dressed as an old chop she is, but shes still my bestest friend so please dont tell her I said that.
As Ive almost finished with my family history, I thought you might like to meet my neighbours, Mr and Mrs Kipper, also known to us as Mabel and Moses. A lovely couple, always ready to help me out when Ive had a few too many sherries and cant get in my house. I really wish I had teeth like theirs, such beautiful smiles dont you think? Their are rumours that they are brother and sister living as man and wife, well I dont believe that tosh! After all their 8 children are all fairly normal. (But I must admit, when Ive seen them playing with the burnt out bus down our street, several of them may have a few too many toes here and there) Not to worry, maybe thats normal where they come from, they moved here from Burnley.
Mabel bakes lovely jam tarts for me, she likes to experiment, she made a batch with branston pickle in them last week. They were tasty with a bit of tinned tongue from Spar.
Moses is a true gentleman, Mabel says he even gets out of the bath to have a wee! Now thats class! He also collects photos of red pillar boxes he frames them and displays them on the walls in the house. He travels to places as far flung as Birmingham to get the shots, they are very pretty and go very well with the red cushions on their couch.
I think Mabel looks like that lady that used to do fancy cooking on the telly, shes very glamorous, and alway wears white stilletoes despite the weather. She tells me she was a model in her heyday, I think she said she worked for Wilkinsons.
This is my lovely grandson Heathcliff, we are all very proud of him, he has a proper job and everything. Well, sort of, I think the judge called it "community service" or something, what a great job title, hes very special. Such a handsome lad, and good to his old gran, he visits me every day and doesnt ask for much, meals, alcohol, fags, money, that sort of thing. Well hes a growing lad, and needs these things to sustain him through his working day!
Thursday, September 07, 2006
She has recently got an obsession with a young man who presents a local radio show. The poor soul gives her airtime but Im sure that if realised what she looked like he wouldnt.
Im a bit concerned, she has been taking medication to stop her incontinence, she thinks there may be a chance of sex. Maybe I should phone the police protection service or something....
I think perhaps Ill just give her a few more sherries and provide her with a cucumber.. purely for the bags under her eyes I mean!..
Here is my beautiful grand daughter, (Williams daughter) Marylin, she was named after a beauty. Sadly Marylin the first died of distemper. We have buried her under the roses, Im looking forward to next years crop, (hope they smell better than both Marylins).
Her hobbies are Kestrel black, Tennants super, bostick in bags, and shouting at people at the bus-stop. (but only when they annoy her) She is like her father, very mis-understood)
This girl is the mother of my great grandchildren, who I will introduce to you soon.
Personally I think she needs to drink a bit of goose grease to fatten her up, but who am I to say??
She is a wonderful sister, she has only ever pinched two of my boyfriends and one husband. He denied it, but I caught them together inside her iron lung.
Ethel has had 7 husbands, she has been widowed 7 times... she is either very clever, very exuberant at sex or a shit cook! or maybe a combination of all.
I told his doctors that he isnt a bad lad, just a tad misunderstood, he has an overactive mind, some think hes crazy but I know better, I have a mothers instinct on these things. The problem is that sometimes wierd things happen around him, its not always his fault.
Love you Billy-boy! and ill bring you those magazines you asked for in the morning at visiting time.
Well Im new to all this, but my friend told me to give it a go, I might look a bit old in the tooth, but Im a tiger at heart (despite my arthritis) and a few other minor problems that Ill tell you about sometime.
The picture isnt too good, cos I forgot to put my teeth in, my son caught me unaware, but hes assured me itll be ok. (he found it amusing, not sure why, I do hope hes not playing tricks on me again!)
Im retired now, but keep myself amused by making a log of what my neighbours are up to, I have some good stories that I hope to have published oneday, and Ill share some of them with you.
My real name is Winnie, short for Winifred, but my son suggested that I have a nickname, he came up with "ugly-old-hag" I would have preferred something more flattering, but he insisted.