Sunday, October 15, 2006

Well....... Age Concern have done me proud... Heathcliffe will look great in this suit, and a bargain at only £3.75, I got the shirt for free, an open Spar bag works wonders.
Its not quite the right size for him but Ive had a word with the undertakers, apparently they can suck out a few extra bits to get him to fit it. Anyway, we can always split the seams at the back, no-one will notice, hes not likely to roll over.
All in all, in this sad time, things are going smoothly. Rene has done me proud, she has got a trolley from B&Q , she also "borrowed" a few giant umbrellas from their garden centre in case it rains. A few cans of spray paint from their car dept will get rid of the orange "B&Q" letters, she will sort that out tommorow, what a rock she is.
Im exhausted, I need a bit of tea and some QC, then some sleep......


Anonymous said...

I send my deepest condolences..................but I fancy that pole bearer can you give me his number...

and wheres the wake Hope you havespam

Ugly-old-hag said...

Spam??? Do you think Im cheap? Ive ordered tinned ham from Spar, nothing but the best for my family!

Ugly-old-hag said...

As for the pole-bearer... dont bother, Ive had him, hes sh**e